
Students in the process of creating new gaming club

By: Matthew Revels, Sports Editor

Board games, card games and video games are just some of the things students can play as part of the Newman University’s new Gaming Club.

The club was created by club president Nathan Galicia and vice president Gabriel Trevino, both juniors, who say they hope to bring a new sense of community to Newman.

The club is student led, and organizers say they are always looking for new games to try out.

Trevino says he and the rest of the executive board are excited for what’s in store for the club.

“We definitely have tons of work to do, but after a couple meetings we have had so far with the board, I can confidently say that we are a hardworking team and are eager to get things going for the students,” Trevino said.

A few games the club has played so far are Smash Bros on the Nintendo Switch, the creative board game Dungeons and Dragons and Rocket League which is a video game played on a console.

The club does not have an official meeting time and for now schedules meetings whenever the executive board can get together. Once the club becomes official,the founders hope to have a more set meeting schedule.

The gaming club is waiting to get approval from Newman’s Student Government Association through its clubs committee. After that, the club will get funding from SGA to buy more games and be able to give prizes to the winners of tournaments. It’s unclear when approval might come, Trevino said, but the executive board members hope it will be soon.

“...Once we are approved by the Clubs Committee, then we are not lagging behind in planning activities for the students,” Trevino said.

The club is open to everyone on campus, even faculty. Organizers want it to be a fun environment where the Newman community can find new ways to be involved.

Trevino said he hopes that the club will help bring on-campus and off-campus students together and keep them on campus even after their class hours.

“We want to give students and faculty another reason to love Newman and its community,” he said. “Our motivation is that we want our college years to be full of excitement and surprise.” There are a little over 20 people in the club so far but organizers are hoping to grow that number in the coming months.

If interested, reach out to Trevino at or the club’s faculty sponsor Kurt McDonald at

PHOTO: Courtesy photo, Unsplash