
Having major surgery is almost as bad as quarantine

By: Reiley Bartel, Online Editor

I am sure there are many students, especially at this point in the semester, who are wishing they could be done with classes and are very ready to go home. Well, lucky or not, I got to go home early, and it is not as fun as it sounds — at least not for me.

I had surgery on my femur. A couple of screws and a couple of rods later, I am unable to put any weight on that leg, and I am stuck trying to get around with a walker, crutches on a good day. I know, I sound like an old lady. And no, I will not be yelling at children to get off my lawn or any other grouchy granny cliche.

When it comes to school, or even everyday life, it feels like I am back in quarantine. I have to Zoom into my classes, do all my work remotely, and the only people I see on a daily basis are the people I live with. The only time I get out of the house is when I go on a very short walk, three houses down and back.

Other than that, I am stuck in the same place, in the same chair.

Life at home, at least right now, is incredibly boring. I wake up, “go to school,” do homework, and wish the rest of the day away so that I can go to sleep just to wake up and do it all again the next day. I don’t see a single person until almost 5 p.m., when everyone is home from school and work. Sometimes I get lucky and I get to see my boyfriend, but like I said, that is only sometimes.

The most exciting part of my day since I was discharged from the hospital is my hourly walk/ hobble around the kitchen. Other than that, I am stuck sitting on the couch, wondering if maybe it would be more exciting if I moved to the other side, though hopefully I can soon figure out how to sit at a desk or a table.

I am finally figuring out how to sit like a real human again. I can go to mass on Sundays and take the occasional drive. Though it’s not pleasant, at least I’m out of the house.

Next time you find yourself wishing you could be done with school early, think of how that might actually happen. Be careful what you wish for, kids.

PHOTO: Courtesy photo, Unsplash